DVNext Rheometer
Viscometer Brookfield DVNext Rheometer
The all-in-one tool for measuring viscosity and yield stress while complying with 21CFR Part 11 and GAMP
Cone/Plate Version
7-inch Full Color Touch Screen Display
Enhanced Controls
Real Time Graphing
Supports Multiple Languages
Displayed Info:
• Viscosity (cP or mPa•s)
• Temperature (°C or °F)
• Shear Rate/Stress
• % Torque
• Speed/Spindle
• Step Program Status
• Math Model Calculations
Viscosity Wizard
Built-in math models for data analysis in stand-alone mode. E.g. Casson, Bingham, Power Law, Thix Index
Integrated Temperature Control with connection to AMETEK Brookfield TC series Baths and AP/SD Controllers or AMETEK Brookfield Thermosel System.
Stand-alone programming
RTD Temperature Probe
Accuracy: ±1.0% of range
Displayed with test data
Repeatability: ±0.2%
Analyze characteristics such as yield stress, flow curves (mixing, pumping, spraying), leveling and recovery
USB PC Interface provides optional computer control and automatic data collection capability
Digital Leveling
Internal Data Storage: 150 MB
21 CFR Part 11 Compliant
Customizable User Access
Date and Time Stamp File
Electronic Signatures
Uneditable PDFs
Automated Archived Audit Trail
Built-In Options
Math Modeling
Temperature Control
Yield Tests
Programmable QC Limits, Alarms and End Conditions
Viscosity Wizard
To be up and running quickly
Digital Leveling
To ensure when testing you are always level
Automated Oscillation Test
Confirms proper operation
Ethernet Connectivity
For ease of saving your data
LIMS Connectivity
Always have your data where you need it
Compliance to 21 CFR Part 11
In Stand-alone mode
Magnetic Coupling System
For quick one handed installation and removal of spindles
Barcode Scanning
To make work easier and accurate
Updated Gap Setting in Cone/Plate versions
Gel Timer Functions
In standard configurations